

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. - Charles R. Swindoll

There is a reason some people achieve so much in life and others so little. Believe it or not, nobody was born with the blueprint for success embedded in his DNA. We all start out the same. And yes I have heard many people say that some people are more likely to succeed in whatever they do because of their backgrounds and many the society they grew up in or their upbringing. Well, I call bull!

Your attitude is the way you perceive things, the way you react to things. Sure everyone reacts to things differently, there are the positive ones, the negative one and those in between who couldn’t care less. Now the question is, what is your attitude towards life? Are you one of those people who just go through life expecting the bomb to drop at any minute and so you decided not to try? Or are you one of those who try but decides to give up when the going gets tough?

The quote above is ever so accurate in analysing how far attitude goes in our day to day life. To truly understand this quote, you have to do a little task. At the end of your day today, lie back and reflect on the choices you made, analyse those choices from an objective viewpoint and determine if the outcome would have been different had you chosen a different alternative. Would you have had a run in with your boss if you hadn’t been late to work, and why were you late to work? Could you have gotten up earlier? Could you have gone to bed earlier so as to wake up earlier? Should you have listened to that advert on the radio instead of changing that station?

All of these look unsubstantial until you begin to put everything together. You could have gone to bed earlier and woken up earlier and gotten to work on time. You could have avoided that run in with your boss thereby saving you a whole day of unhappiness at work. Newton's third law of motion states that to every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Everything you do send a ripple of effects and opposite reactions that will directly or indirectly affect you. So why not start off by consciously having the right attitude towards everything.

Yes, sometimes life throws some unpredictable things at you, you should, however, react in an unpredictable way also. As humans, it is very common to think that our attitude is determined by the situation, well, it is not. Some dude hit your car from behind? Of course, the predictable thing is to yell at him and probably throw a few punches. You are angry and are therefore supposed to show it. This is the beauty of reaction, you certainly do not have to yell. In fact, I think the situation is most likely to get resolved faster when there is no yelling involved.

Consciously decide to have a positive attitude towards every little thing that happens to you. Check yourself at regular intervals to make sure you are on the right track. Have the right attitude towards people. Remember, to every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Think, act and talk with the right attitude, the positive attitude. Look for the best in others and the silver lining in every situation no matter how bad. Stop obsessing over problems and start thinking solutions. Have a positive attitude because, at the end of the day, attitude is everything.


A dedicated movie lover

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